Sculptor, Ceramicist, Founding Artist

Beau BilenkiBeau Bilenki, originally from London, Ontario, studied sculpture with Tuck Langland at Indiana University.

His work has been exhibited at South Bend Museum of Art, South Bend Regional Airport, Indiana University Gallery, Saugatuck and Marshall Michigan, Wisconsin, New York and Chicago at the Vance Galleries on Michigan Avenue.

Beau has studied pottery with Paul Soldner (the American father of Raku and inventor of the Soldner Wheel) well known potter, Dick Lehman, and Aldelphia Martinez (New Mexican potter Maria Martinez’s granddaughter).

“I strive for classical form with contemporary interpretation. Whatever medium I work in, I create each work to be balanced either, in symmetry or asymmetry. I have been compelled to achieve a quiet beauty.”

“A new direction of cement on steel gives me the challenge of sculpting the surface with color and texture. My form now is simple and basic. I see more involved, complicated volumes emerging in my drawings. In my search for artistic fulfillment, I study history and antiquity. My current work consists of welded steel rebar geometric forms covered with a galvanized steel lath covered with concrete. With this concept, I can be a sculptor in the mechanics of welding the frames and a painter in the application of the surface.”

“An artist is one who can tolerate a great amount of disorder” Lawrence Bilenki 1967

Beau is one of our founding artists. Fire Arts continues to be grateful for his investments of courage, time, ideas, money, and energy.