“Bookmaking Workshop” with Eric Lease Morgan

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Class Schedule: Saturdays  1-3pm, Look for this class to be offered in the Spring of 2022

Who: Anybody who wants to learn how to make books

 What: A Bookmaking workshop

When:  Every Saturday afternoon during the month of October between the hours of 1 and 3 o’clock. Starting Saturday October 2nd, 2021

Where: Fire Arts, 305 East Colfax Avenue, South Bend (Indiana)

 Why: Because bookmaking is fun

Saturday afternoons in the Spring , Fire Arts and Eric Lease Morgan will be facilitating a Bookmaking workshop between the hours of 1 and 3 o’clock.

Open to vaccinated adults, and limited to six persons, we will work as a team to make a number of books in a number of different styles. At the end of the month participants will go away with three or four books made by the group.

Types of books and book-bindings will include: Japanese stab stitching, case-binding, folders, and slot-and-tab books constructed using only paper and no tools. No experience is necessary. Materials will be provided. Sign up for this workshop, and learn how to make books. It is fun and easy.

Eric Lease Morgan has been binding books for about fifteen years, and he has studied his craft in Chicago, Florence, and Paris. In his day job, he is a librarian at the University of Notre Dame where he writes software on supercomputers, and he uses them to read things like the totality of Chinese history or the sum of scientific literature on COVID-19.   All participants must wear a mask regardless of their vaccination status. The rise in COVID-19 cases, particularly the Delta variant, makes this necessary.

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